Okay so anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love the holidays but I loatheeee the cold that accompanies it here in the northeast. Like I’m talking absolutely detest it! So this time of the year tends to be a little bittersweet for me, as I do prefer more indoor activities (like being under my warm covers haha!!) as opposed to outdoor activities, and I definitely often struggle a bit in combating seasonal affective disorder.

For those, not familiar with what that is...It is basically a type of depressive disorder triggered by the change of the seasons and most commonly beginning in late fall & early winter, resulting in symptoms like extreme fatigue, lack of energy, & weight gain to name a few. You might often hear it being referred to as the infamous "winter blues." And so, personally for me, I have to ensure that I have a listful of activities on standby that work as simple ways to turning any incoming or pending frowns upside down. So in this case, it seems only fitting to transform my loathing of the cold weather into a coldddd delicious winter-themed drink. So, read on while I showcase how I am bringing the outdoors in, with my “North Peppermint Pole” Milkshake! Also, be sure to read and learn symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Let's get it!
If you ever feel as though you're experiencing symptoms of seasonal depressive disorder or any sort of depression whatsoever, then be sure to seek professional help. There are so many free resources out there to get you started in the right direction including virtual online therapy sessions with one of the most commonly known ones being Better Health. Never be embarrassed or feel a type of way to seek help. It's actually quite courageous & sagacious to acknowledge and openly admit to dealing with issues and seeking ways to alleviate & manage said issues in order to be a better version of yourself.

"North Peppermint Pole Milkshake"

-1/8 cup lemon juice
-3 Medium Ripe Bananas
-1 Cup Half-and-Half cream
-2 Scoops Lemon Sorbet
-3 Scoops Vanilla Ice Cream
-Vanilla Extract
-Vanilla Frosting For Rimming
-1/4 cup Crushed Peppermint For Rimming Glass
--Mix Cornstarch w/Strawberry Syrup To Make Glass Presentation Pretty11
Step 1 - Combine all ingredients, in a high-powered blender. Blend until thick and creamy.
Step 2 - Serve cold & top with whipped cream
Step 3 - Enjoy!

"Hmm...hmmm!! DE.LIC.CIOUS!!!
Until next time....
