Hey guys!!! So welcome back to my mini-series, "A Lil Pumpkin Spice Makes Everything Nice," where we put the spotlight on popular themes and ingredients that go hand-in-hand with the fall season. If this is your first time tuning into my blog, then be sure to check out my other posts that showcase some delicious & easy recipes involving pumpkins, apples, & s'mores! Since s’mores are such a BIG fave for many, I wanted to bring it twice (check out my previous blog post here) so that everyone including my non-alcohol drinkers & the kids can enjoy it as well. So read on as I show you how to make what I call a fancy "Gimme S'mores Milkshake." Watch me make it here!
"Gimme S'more Milkshake"

-3 Scoops Vanilla Ice Cream
-3/4 Cup Milk of Choice
-1 Capful of Vanilla Extract
-Ice Cubes optional
-Drizzle of Hershey Syrup -Marshmallow Air Fluff (To Rim Glass)
-3 Marshmallows
-1 Pack of Graham Crackers (Crushed To Rim Glass Over Marshmallow Air Fluff)
-1-Hershey Bar (optional)
-Chocolate Rolled Wafer Sticks (optional)
-Whipped Cream optional
-Crushed Oreos (optional)
-Your Preferred Cookie of Choice (optional)
Step 1 - Coat rim of the glass w/marshmallow fluff and roll rim of glass in crushed graham crackers
Step 2 - Coat inside glass w/chocolate syrup
Step 3 - Add 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream to the blender.
Step 4 - Add 3/4 cup of milk to the blender.
Step 5 - Add 2 capfuls of Vanilla Extract
Step 6 - Blend on low until smooth.
Step 7 - Pour into a cup and garnish with whipped cream, marshmallows (scorch the marshmallows), Hershey chocolate bar, graham crackers, crushed Oreos, chocolate wafer stick, & crushed Oreos
Now for full transparency, I’m actually lactose intolerant, which ultimately kept me away from milkshakes for yearsss (chuckles), but this drink has me falling right back in love with them. After-all, the name “Gimme S’more Milkshake” says it all. But don’t worry...I used lactose-free friendly products (chuckles), so for all my lactose intolerant folks...You should be safe if you follow my lead. Anyway, now it’s your turn to try this sweet treat. CHEERS!!!!

"Hmm...hmmm!! DE.LIC.CIOUS!!!
Until next time....
